Sunday, December 9, 2012

Dreamv ~ coordinate ☆ミ

Hey guys! ヾ(⌒∇⌒)ノ♥
Yesterdays morning my Princess Poncho-Coat arrived surprisingly!
It is so cute and beautiful, I think!

To order it was just possbile because of YuneThank you so much! I don't know how I could thank you for it! It is very cozy and lovely! A beautiful coat for winter time ♥
Then I went shopping with my mother like nearly every Saturday.
 Girls Überraschungs-Ei
In the afternoon we all went to visit our friends (another family)
 Outside, in the snow

 Kinder Maxi Überraschungs-Ei
(and my lovely lace furry culottes ♥)

Yesterdays full coordinate
 (photo in the hallway because I still don't have a big mirror in my room, it's a bit messy there at the moment x.x)
That's all for now ~


  1. Es freut mich sehr das alles so gut geklappt hat^o^ <3
    Der Mantel ist super süß und du siehst toll damit aus:D
    Wir sollten uns mal treffen und unsere neuen Mäntel ausführenXD~~

    liebe Grüße:3

    1. Vielen Dank! ^//o//^
      Ja, das sollten wir mal tun xD
