Breakfast - a bun with Hummus and daiya cheddar style cheese
Alpro Banana Soy milk
Lunch - a piece of baguette with a slice of daiya cheddar style cheese and some cherry tomatoes
Dinner - potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes, broccoli and carrots ♡

Breakfast - whole grain bread with Hummus and daiya cheddar style cheese, alpro raspberry-cranberry soy yogurt
green tea + apple tea
Lunch - veggie meatballs wtth tomatoes and daiya cheddar style cheese
So see, I had the idea to put cheese and tomatoes on each meatball, instead of eating it seperately

Breakfast - whole grain bread with marmelade/jam, alpro raspberry-cranberry soy yogurt
Lunch/dinner - rest of carrots, potatoes, and mashed sweet potatoes, with mini veggie meatballs
Breakfast - whole grain bread with Hummus and daiya cheddar style cheese, alpro raspberry-cranberry soy yogurt
green tea + apple tea
Lunch - veggie meatballs wtth tomatoes and daiya cheddar style cheese
So see, I had the idea to put cheese and tomatoes on each meatball, instead of eating it seperately
Dinner - alpro lemon-lime soy yogurt
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