This is a post about a new quirk of mine
Some days ago I just looked around what happened at the blogs I follow
and saw, that one of my most inspiring fashion idols made a new post after a long time.
♡SHEEPCREAM♡ is one of my idols which inspires me a lot, especially in the moment.
(also Angelica Sehlin Murderotic, which is also one of my most inspiring idols ever)
I'm really happy that I will able to play it, too. I wasn't able to buy it although I really wanted it. I don't have much money and someone said, that my computer maybe will not be able to make it..
But I was able to start it at my former best friend's place.
He bought the collector's edition few weeks before his birthday, I think. (I'm not sure)
We were very excited and were looking forward to play it.
I created an Elin Sorcerer, 'cause they are very cute and perfect for me ♥
It was so hard to find a name x.x we sat there a long time to find a good one which is also allowed..
That's my Elin, called "feari"
A lot changed since then. I got many new items and stuff and became stronger.
Nevertheless I still have to learn a lot!
But 'cause I don't know what will happen soon, I think, I have to start again from the beginning.
This time from my own computer.. But it is a Laptop and I'm afraid that it will not work perfectly..
Now I think about buying a new real computer, that I'm able to play some awesome games by my own and at my own place.. altough it's sad to play alone from then on..
Well, another thing:
I'm very exicited becuase of this game! *~*
I saw how he played Crysis 2 and I loved it. It was so exciting and thrilling.
Unfortunately I don't have a Playstation 3, so that I will not be able to play it..
(except when I found someone who will buy this game and will play it with me)
But nevertheless I'm very excited!
And I heard about a new LEFT 4 DEAD game, which will have release end of 2013, how I read.
Left 4 dead 2 was another game we played together (well.. he played and I sat beside him and had fun xD)
Altough I'm always pretty scared about such creepy things I really liked that game!
I'm looking forward to the new game.
Well.. I have many plans including games and gaming consoles xD
I even found my old GAME BOY color in one of my cartons and some games.
I remembered that my father had an old gameboy, I think it was a Game Boy classic,
and asked him where it is, and if I can get it.
He told me, that he don't have it anymore and that he thinks, that he gave it away ><
Than, I dicided to buy another one xD
And I found that lovely picture from Sugar Cube! (>ω<*)ノノ田♥ ~ Kasui
It's even sparkling and with some pink elements on it!
Now, I want to find this one somewhere.
When it will get less cold outside my dad and me will go to the fleamarket to search for it and for some other games, because I don't have many.
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